Birthday parties for ages 1-12

Party Times: 10 am and 2 pm
Email if you would like to book a teen or adult party.

FIVE nature-themed options:

  • Brilliant Butterflies
  • Buggin' Out
  • Pokémon
  • Radiating Reptiles
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar

A Sample Birthday Party Experience:

  • As guests arrive, children may begin completing a craft we will have set up on a table.
  • Once all the guests are there, we will begin a presentation for children to learn about butterflies and other insects we may see on the bug hunt, and the host plants butterfly caterpillars need.
  • Then we will go on the bug hunt and kids will use a laminated sheet and work in pairs to find as many things from the presentation as possible.
  • All guests will have visitor access to the Bug Zoo, Nature Center and Butterfly Garden during the party.
  • Food/cake served (not included)
  • Planting seeds craft (add-on if desired)
  • Reptile experience (add-on if desired)
  • Butterfly release (add-on if desired)

Email if you would like to book a teen or adult party.